

the area
and its environment

Trentino is made up of a delicate ecosystem brimming with lakes, rivers and streams that flow at the foot of the Adamello Glacier at a temperature ranging between 8 and 13 degrees, which is optimal for salmonid life.

The Chiese Valley

The Chiese Valley is one of the major areas producing trout in Trentino, which are raised according to the rhythms and equilibrium of nature. The fresh and uncontaminated spring waters are home to some of the finest fish species: brook trout, arctic char, brown trout, white rainbow trout and salmon trout.

The Ledro Valley,
Lake Garda and Lake Tenno

The Ledro Valley, Lake Garda and Lake Tenno are noted for their jaw-dropping beauty and host our farm’s locations. Today top touristic areas, they have also always been natural water basins used as fishing areas.


Trout farming in Trentino emerges from the centuries-old tradition of aquaculture. The practice dates back to 1879 when the first artificial fish farm was constructed in Torbole, right next to our modern-day facility in Linfano di Arco.

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